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Making The Most of Your IMRO Membership

July 25, 2011

What We Need From You

IMRO has many systems in place to track and make payments on performances of your work(s). To provide you with the maximum benefit from these systems, it is essential that you provide us with information about your works and their performance (when known). To improve the efficiency of the royalty distribution process there are a number of things you can do:

1. Remember to register your new works with IMRO. You can do this online through the Members Only Area of the IMRO website
2. Inform IMRO of new music releases.
3. Notify IMRO about television performances, use of your music in advertisements and movie/theatre performances.
4. Inform IMRO on a regular basis about all live performances of your works.
5. Keep us informed of your international activities.
6. Advise IMRO of all pseudonyms which you use, and bands/groups in which you are involved.

UP File Explained

What is the UP-File?

As IMRO’s process for matching Performances to Works is a computer automated one, there are several reasons why member’s works may appear on the UP-File. These usually are:

• Work not registered at the time of matching
• Title incorrectly spelt
• Composer incorrectly spelt
• Composer not given
• Artist incorrectly given as composer

Any works that fall into this unmatched category after each distribution are placed on the UP-File.
The UP-File is a database made available to members and other societies to research and hopefully identify works belonging to them & collect any royalties due.

Online UP File

Members can access online details of broadcasts and performances that IMRO has been unable to use in royalty distributions (generally due to insufficient details from the broadcaster or the absence of a registration for the work involved). The easy-to-use interface enables Members to claim performances as theirs by linking them to musical works in their repertoire (providing, of course, that the works have already been registered correctly with IMRO!). When you submit a claim for a performance, IMRO is notified of the relevant details and will make any relevant royalty payments.

If you have yet to register for online access we would encourage you to do so now at and avail of the many new benefits.

These include:

• The ability to access your current repertoire details, as registered with IMRO.
• The online Works Registration facility is a major new feature where Members can now register works directly online, eliminating the need for paper. This new service significantly enhances and streamlines the works registration process for members and the vast majority of new works registrations by members are now being made online.
• We have extensively changed the process of how you enter details of all your Live Performances, both national and international. We encourage you to supply details of these performances on a regular basis.
• Your Distribution Statements are now available interactively allowing you to see more detail regarding performances along with VAT settlement vouchers etc.

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